Hive Boutique is a delicacy product of nature with the piece of soul from the bees. Innovative, delicious and fully natural superfood in 100% environment-friendly packaging.

Hive Boutique is a delicacy product of nature with the piece of soul from the bees. Innovative, delicious and fully natural superfood in 100% environment-friendly packaging.
A beneficial and nutrious choice of food containing a range of different vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and probiotic bifidobacteria with highest level level in their natural and unchanged state.
In contrast to the refined foods, Hive Boutique contains nothing more than the naturally occurring nutrients retaining all their vital constituents in their original form.
Hive Boutique comes directly from the beehive without any further processing, raw and pure, just as created by the Nature.
Hive Boutique is harvested from clean mountain regions with no industrial crops or pollution.
A remarkable blend of flavours, compounds, textures and aromas that bees gently collected from variety of floral essences of the plans.
Hand crafted glass and wood in the friendliest combination.
Fully recyclable, 100% reusable packaging that contributes for preserving the balance between humans and nature.
How our honeycombs are made and why they are so unique?
After the primary selection and quality checking only few cuts of every bee frame taken from the hive become HiveBoutique. That’s why HiveBoutique is produced in limited number of units per year.
Do you love eating the most natural food, just as created by mother nature?
HiveBoutique © 2022,
a brand of Pastili Limited.
All rights reserved.
One of the superfoods of 21st century
Directly from the beehive
Harvested from the cleanest mountain regions
100% Environment-friendly packaging
5300 Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Europe
website: www.hive.boutique
email: sayhello@hive.boutique
telephone: +359 888 631 789